Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.
Franklin's BBQ as we arrived


L and I took Friday off to tackle waiting in line for Franklin’s BBQ. We planned to play it by ear given the rain forecast and are not hard core enough to stand in the rain for hours before they open. (Knitting while holding an umbrella is not feasible.) We both live a bit north of Austin, so by the time we realized (via Twitter) that the line might be substantial, there was nothing to be done, but see it in person. We arrived around 10:45 and solidified that the people who say that rain keeps people away tell lies. all lies.



As advertised, there was a line monitor. We overheard him tell the couple in front of us that it was going to be 3pm before they ordered, then he left and we considered abandoning the game. But, we dutifully waited our turn. He showed back up, handed them a piece of colored paper and told them they were the last people guaranteed brisket. L and I exchanged glances as he approached us. He stated that we’d be getting to the front of the line at 3pm and we might get brisket but were not guaranteed. At that point I pretty much stopped listening and Lisa was halfway to the car as he followed up with the kicker, “I can offer you chopped beef?” Almost in synch, we said something to the effect of “um, no. Thank you!” as we bolted. You want us to wait 4 hours in line in the rain without knitting for chopped beef?!? hell, no. The people in line behind us drove in from Dallas, so we were only too happy to increase their brisket chances by bailing. L and I could not stop laughing and did appreciate that in the end, the choice was easy.
Franklin's BBQ as we left


We stowed the umbrella and headed to Alamo Drafthouse – Village for Pitch Perfect 2. As we settled into the cozy dry seats, we realized how hungry we were and were thankful we were on the same page and could laugh about our Franklin fail. We’ll try again on a sunnier non-Friday.

I’d not seen Pitch Perfect, but liked the previews for Pitch Perfect 2, so I was pumped to see it. I enjoyed the music, the laughs, the company, the vibe of the audience (seeing it on opening day was a good call) and my Royale with cheese. I cannot recall when I’ve seen more net shirts in a movie, but the whole thing was good fun and I’ll watch it again.

After the movie, we hit Honey Bee Quilts because they close at 5 on Fridays and I wanted to do some browsing. I like the idea of hand quilting and plan to learn to use a machine more proficiently this summer, so it’s motivating to scope out inspiring fabrics.


Next, we swung into Coyote Yarns. She has a nice selection of Dale of Norway patterns, especially baby ones if you’re interested and many workhorse yarns. I noticed some grape colored Cash Vero DK that would make a nice baby sweater if you’ve a mind. But, as I generally stick to socks, I didn’t find anything I needed.

Overall, it was a perfect Friday and I look forward to Franklin’s BBQ – Take 2 with L.

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In the fall of 2008, I was inspired to make a burnt orange and white star baby blanket for a dear friend who also happens to be a UT grad. At the time, I didn’t know if she was planning another baby, but it just felt like a good idea. I sent the blanket to the Texas State Fair and it won honorable mention.Star BlanketS_1
Fast forward to 2014. My good friend welcomed a daughter into the world, and I congratulated her in the best way I know, with very tiny socks.
Pattern: Phalanges by Clare Devine
Needles: 2.25mm
Knitting Time Needed: 9 hours (faster if you’re proficient at sewing in a picot edging)
Yarn: In the end, the Mommy-to-be and I dove into her stash and came up with burnt orange sock yarn. I wanted the orange to be Longhorn approved and her stash is heavy with burnt orange options.

Ps. When baby girl has outgrown these socks, I’ll to turn them into Christmas ornaments. One for baby girl and one for her priceless mom.

Pps. Check out what others have finished at:

Wisdom begins in Wonder

Natural Suburbia

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It’s come to my attention that I never blogged the pretty pink socks I knit for my SIL.
Socks formerly known as Glass Slippers

This pattern is lovely and delicate and immediately brought my pink-loving sister-in-law to mind. I made the 72sts size and was really pleased with them. I grafted the toes of sock 2 in June of 2014 and was able to take some glamour shots at Disneyland.

Pattern: Bea Socks, formerly known as Glass Slippers by Christina Wilkins
Yarn: Cascade Yarns Heritage Silk
Needles: magic looped with addi turbos…the size would be a handy thing to know, wouldn’t it…2.25mm maybe?
Mods: There’s a point where there’s 2 purls on one side of the top of the foot and one purl on the other side of the top of the foot. I moved the heel over a stitch on the second sock so that the two purls and one purl sides were mirrored from the first sock. I analyzed the chart and totally understood why this asymmetry had to happen, but the mirroring helped me sleep at night.

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