Back in 2010, I started knitting socks. I never really got the big deal with sock knitting and wasn’t a huge fan of walking on my knitting, but I ran across a little book called Silk Road Socks and quickly became an addict.
Over the years, I’ve made a few socks. Here are some of the Hunter Hammersen socks I’ve knit for you to peruse during this lovely month of Socktober.
Senneh from Silk Road Socks
Chrysanthemum frutescens from The Knitter's Curiosity Cabinet
Whippersnapper from Violently Domestic
Chamfers from Violently Domestic
Mashad from Silk Road Socks
Usaks from Silk Road Socks
Yomuts from Silk Road Socks
Joshagans from Silk Road Socks
Happy Socktober, everyone!!!
Ps. I won free Hunter patterns on
Jessica’s Blog, so I want to give her a shout out!
Tags: chamfer,
hunter hammersen,
This movie looks beyond scarey. I don’t care how amazing Ethan Hawk’s knit cardigan looks, I’m not braving this movie to get a better look.
By now, you are aware that I’ve been waiting for what feels like 6 months for this movie…and you’re probably aware that it couldn’t live up to my expectations. Well, I have to hand it to whomever was in charge of marketing this movie; they are smarter than the average bear. A preview good enough to guarantee people check out the movie AND enough of the plot left out that I was still surprised. Nice job, folks!
There was action. There was heart. There was some humor. There is some torture, but it was done in a way that was less off-putting than it could have been. I’m not going to give anything else away but I will tell you that there was clapping when the credits rolled. Treat yourself and see this movie.
Don’t assume that just because I liked this movie, you’re getting a Disney ending. Please remember that I love Braveheart and Gone with the Wind. Sometimes, it is all about the journey.
The Husband and I celebrated twelve years of wedded bliss in August. He bought me yarn. That is to say that I used the Pay Pal account to buy myself some delicious Plucky Knitter yarn during a couple of her sales and mentioned it in passing to The Husband. I could not believe how fast their stuff sells out!…until it arrived in the mail and then understanding dawned. Gorgeous!
From left, may I introduce: Elegant Elephant, Flying Atlas, Oz, and Barn Door Primo Fingering along with Peep Toes Primo Sport ( Primo = merino, cashmere, nylon). Silk and linen are the traditional materials for 12 years. Close enough!
The Husband has a hard time keeping up with which yarn and pattern shops I purchase from, so I get questions like “Who is Violently Dom?”. That’s what Hunter Hammersen’s patterns and books show up as and it stumps him every time. This time, the question was, “Who is Plucky Knitter and why do they have all my money?” I just grinned and said, “That’s the yarn you bought me for our anniversary.” Ain’t love grand?!
Ps. Plucky Knitter has lovely customer service too; the first package arrived with a note letting me know that the Peep Toes would be following shortly.
Tags: Anniversary,
Barn Door,
Elegant Elephant,
Flying Atlas,
Peep Toes,
Plucky Knitter,
Primo Fingering,
Primo Sport