Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.
Jul 07
Comments Off on Knitting Movie Review – The Heat (no spoilers)
Category: knitting & crocheting, movie reviews

1. It turns out I didn’t need to be worried that all the funny parts were in the previews.
The Heat
2. Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy had near perfect comedic timing and the physical humor was hilarious. At one point I was laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe.
3. Marlon Wayans (Agent Levy) was cute and charming and in fact, my only complaint about the movie was that they could have developed the Agent Levy storyline a bit more. Maybe we’ll get lucky and there will be a sequel.
4. …and oh yes, at one point during the movie, Sandra was wearing a fair isle sweater and Melissa had a classic cardigan on that any knitter would envy. I loved it!


Melissa McCarthy was wearing a cardigan similar to this one, but I believe it was gray.

Sandra Bullock was wearing a sweater similar to this one.

Sandra Bullock was wearing a sweater similar to this one, but I don't recall any reindeer.

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Jul 06
Comments Off on Knitting Movie Review – White House Down (no spoilers)
Category: knitting & crocheting, movie reviews

1. This movie was a whole lot better than Olympus has Fallen. I quite enjoyed it and look forward to seeing it again via DVD.
2. The personal story was better – ie the beginning of this movie didn’t resemble Bambi.
3. I liked this president better. Jamie Foxx was likable/charming/funny/playing a well-written character.
4. …and I liked the costuming better. If you’re going to hire an action star with great arms, you should hire a costume designer smart enough to figure out a way to make sleeveless work with the script.

5. I mean, I’m not saying I would have complained about Channing Tatum wearing an aran sweater, but it would have made a lot less sense.

6. He’s wearing a lot of knitwear in The Vow, so it you are in the mood for Channing Tatum in a sweater, that’s your movie.

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Bonita is a peach. No, not like a Georgia peach, more like a steel peach you’d want around if the zombie apocalypse happened because she’d be willing to let you wash all the cups while she sat on a roof with a shotgun. Now, my aversion to skin cancer runs deep (my genes are stacked against me), so I really value that in a zombie apocalypse preparedness team member. I digress. Bonita got me hooked on the Walking Dead, so I decided she needed some Night of the Living Socks. (we actually discussed who was going to wash the cups in the event of a zombie outbreak and I wrote our plan in my organizer. That’s how we roll.)
Zombie with Zombie socks
Prior to making these socks, I talked to Bonita about how many runs I should put in these socks. I said “We don’t want to have too many runs because that could compromise the structural integrity of the socks.” She said something to the effect of there being few things as important to her as sock integrity.

In other news, did you know lichens sometimes grow in gravestones? and once upon a time, Bonita had a job carving gravestones. Winning!

To see what other folks have finished, check out Tami’s Amis, Wisdom begins in Wonder, and Natural Suburbia.

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