I test knit these for Louise Tilbrook. The hardest part was choosing a color that would do the pattern justice. I also wanted to pick a color that would match several outfits, but in the end, I wasn’t in the mood to knit khaki socks. Cause this color is so much more fun!

Pattern: Comb Gill by Louise Tilbrook
Needles: 2.25mm Signature Needle Arts DPN’s
Yarn: String Theory Hand Dyed Caper Sock
Colorway: Juice
Note: When you begin, these are not going to look amazing. Just keep going, and once you have a few repeats, the magic happens.
Right after I finished these, my parents visited and we headed down to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

I talked them into lunch at Torchy’s and my dad said it might have been the best taco he’s ever had. (It might have been because we were starving, but Torchy’s is really good. )

Linaria Bipartita Sock (I sometimes carry spare knit socks to color coordinate as needed. Don’t you?)
Then, we went antiquing in Georgetown before meeting up with The Husband at Casa de Metzroth for a 42 tournament. It was a perfect day.
Tags: caper sock yarn,
knit socks,
sock yarn,
string theory yarn
Once upon a time, I ran across Emily (@fiberaddictionem) on Instagram. She was calling for sample knitters and paying in my favorite currency, yarn. I’d already fallen in love with her Freak Like Me colorway, so I jumped at the chance. She sent me the yarn and pattern, Froggin’. The cuff was gorgeous, but then I realized this pattern didn’t show off the yarn as well as it could. So, between the two of us, we concocted a plan. She sent me Don’t Piss off the Redhead which worked with the pattern in a pleasing fashion and I kept the Freak Like Me yarn for another day.

I generally work on one “plain” sock and one complicated sock at a given time. Soon, Freak Like Me was up to bat. Through trial and several errors, this is the pattern I ended up with*
CO 64
k1tbl, p1 ribbing for 1.25 inches for cuff.
1 row of: k1, right cable cross (not twisted), p1 around
k3, p1 ribbing for the rest of the leg until you’re 1 inch above the heel.
Fish Lips Kiss Heel (over half + 4 sts Thank you, @gemkhull on instagram)
After finishing the heel, I went back to p1, k3 ribbing over the top half of the foot and stockinette on the bottom half of the foot until it was time for toe decreases (starting on the center of the bottom of the foot)
decrease round-
knit til 3 before first marker(where top of foot begins), k2tog, k1
k1, ssk, knit til 3 before next marker, k2tog, k1
k1, ssk
non-decrease round-
alternate decrease and non-decrease rounds for 4 rows.
decrease round for 8 rows.
Graft 16 sts.

*This is not so much a pattern as it is me noting where I ended my experiment. Use at your own risk.
To be continued…
Tags: handknit,
knit socks,
sock yarn,