Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.
Jun 30
Comments Off on Joshaqans
Category: knitting & crocheting

The Silk Road Socks book by Hunter Hammersen is totally addicting. I’m about to go cast on for another pair (Sennehs this time).

The first pair I finished from the book are the Joshagans or Joshaqans. This was my first time to use shibui sock yarn and I found it to be a little stretchier than expected. The color I used did not seem to have a name, which I found somewhat lame. I’d call it mullberry, so not sure if the link goes to it.

One of my socks turned out a slightly different size than the other or wait, my feet are slightly different, so the socks fit better one way than the other. I left a tiny tail on the left one so I’ll always know.

The first pics I took inside had the socks looking two different colors, so I headed out into the heat to take better photos. Don’t worry, I stayed in the shade, I haven’t totally lost my mind…yet.

I really enjoyed the play and saturation of color in this yarn, so I’ll definitely use it again.

And yes, I’m aware that my legs are white enough for me to be a Twilight extra which is shocking considering it is almost July in Texas, but I have always worn jeans all the time, even in the summer. On the upside, if sun exposure is really what causes aging, my legs will look young forever!

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