Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.
Aug 23
Comments Off on Girls Night In
Category: family and friends, knitting & crocheting

Meghan came over to wind yarn one night while TH was playing WoW.

I seemed to be having issues with my yarn winder and had convinced myself it was the yarn winder, not user error. Meghan brought her yarn winder and some yarn. It turns out that you have to move the little silver yarn guide at certain points during the winding to keep the yarn winding into a nice cake. I had errroneously assumed that you could just hold the silver guide in one place and make no adjustments and everything would just work. nope. I should have figured this out for myself, but I don’t regret feeling a little silly for a few minutes when I spent a whole night laughing, looking at patterns, and watching Meghan wind yarn. At 11pm, TH wandered in and tried to wrap his mind around the fact that we had been winding yarn and giggling like children for hours. We didn’t realize how late it was and we had work the next day. oops. So, off she went to her casa and I was left with good memories, some lovely cakes, and the key to winding my own in future. Thanks, M!

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