Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.
Sep 13
Comments Off on You get a blankie and you get a blankie….
Category: family and friends, knitting & crocheting

My BF from college had twin baby boys in August. I made them each their own blanket in the same pattern and colors, but slightly different so there never has to be an argument over whose blankie is whose. I was thrilled to get to deliver them in person and meet them a week after they were born. At some point, I hope to have pictures of them with their blankets, but as Momma was still a little tired and is now juggling twins, I’m going to be patient.

Overall, I was very happy with how these turned out, but they aren’t 100% square. I think over time, after being dragged around by a corner, they will evenutally lay wonderfully flat. The inability to block them made me think twice about using acrylic for a pattern like this in the future. On the upside, the acrylic should hold up and Vanna’s Choice has one of the best chocolate browns in my humble opinion. I just love the Espresso color!

Here is a picture of me and one of the super cute babies. I seem to be considering taking off with him and indeed for one hot minute, I believe I was. They are that cute!

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