Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.
Jan 07
Comments Off on Special thanks to a couple of good sports.
Category: family and friends, knitting & crocheting

So, after knitting the first gray sock for my dad (and test knitting the pattern for Hunter Hammersen), I wasn’t sure if it would fit and I couldn’t have TH try it on because his feet are larger than my dad’s. Now, you can’t just ask any random guy to try on a sock cause that could lead to some awkward conversations and if you’re at work a possible trip to HR. So, I polled a couple of my closest friends at work and one of them was nice enough to volunteer her husband to try on a sock for me…..and he was a very good sport about the whole thing, even let her take photos so I could blog about it!
I imagine the exchange went something like this:
“What is this?”
“a sock. Can you please try it on? Katie needs to see if it will fit her dad.”

“You want me to do what?”
“Try it on.”

“I hope her dad is agile.” (which was nice code for the fact that the sock was tight).

I thought that the sock looked like it fit well and wool socks stretch a bit, so I decided to block the daylights out of it and move along to sock number 2.

Thank you, M & M, ya’ll are good sports and I appreciate your willingness to humor me!! :-)

Ps. Merry Serbian Christmas (and day after Epiphany)!

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