Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.
Feb 22
Comments Off on I’m the Queen of the World!
Category: knitting & crocheting

Well, it has been an eventful night.

I was so excited to have finished 12 rows on the WoW blanket last night and was sitting down to watch the Olympics and continue my awesomeness tonight when I realized that Fudgy Ducks! I had missed a section of gold FOUR ROWS back on the blanket!!! Fiddlesticks and Rumplestiltskins !
Now, I consider myself to be a lady with plenty of gumption, but I must admit that the idea of frogging FOUR ROWS seemed scarey at best and the idea of unknitting four rows (read 816 sts) made me want to throw up a little bit…..so I sat for 5 mins. and then I began to unknit slowly and surely. I got 15 sts in before the little red angel on my shoulder whispered, “it would be SOOO much faster to frog it! just rip it out…it’ll be fine.”…..and the white angel said, “oh no, that’s scarey! what if it ends badly?”…..but the efficient and gutsy side of me won out and so, I laid out the blanket and…
called Lisa. :)

After a pep talk from her, then I began to rip – it was a bit fun (I must confess) and so I picked up 204 sts and lived to tell the tale. :)
and now I go back to knitting on the blanket and watching the Olympics.

Here is a pic of my knitting all footloose and fancy free!

wow blanket frogged

(2/22/2010 7:46 pm)

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