Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.

In case you don’t know who Joan Crawford is, her oldest daughter published a book containing allegations that Crawford was emotionally and physically abusive to her two oldest kids.

Don’t get your hopes up that Mark Wahlberg is going to be shirtless at some point. You’ll be disappointed.
Some young women (under 25) may see this film and not appreciate the humor. I heard, “Well, that was a stupid movie.” from one girl after the movie. The Husband pointed out that she was probably too young to get a lot of the jokes. I think young men will enjoy the fart jokes and physical humor enough to gloss over any well-written jokes they don’t get (think 80’s).

Overall, if you’re looking for an adult comedy about the relationship between a guy, his girl, and his teddy bear, I thought it was a whole lot better than it had to be.


  1. Carrie says:

    Just last night I said I wanted to see it but wasn’t sure if it was gonna be as cute as the trailer makes it out to look.

    Now, I’m taking your advice and going. I love movies that have kind of a “you had to be there” feel to it!

    • Katie says:

      oh. oh. I can’t wait to hear what you think! I’m not sure cute is the first adjective I’d go for. It kind of had a Superbad kind of charm to me.

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