Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.

I accomplished quite a bit with my recent spring cleaning episode. Then, I was knitting along in the evenings as per my usual M.O.
July 4th, I took a break to go tubing with The Husband. Once we got back, I was opening some meat to defrost it when I cut the tip of my left middle finger. A little while later, we decided I did not need stiches, so after it stopped bleeding, The Husband put Neosporin and a 3M adhesive strip on it and we called it good. The next day, I went to the doctor to get a Tetanus shot and he bandaged it up like a mummy…

…which was good because him saying it was a little tender was a gross understatement. Mad props to the dr. for doing this; it provided the cushion needed to keep me (and those around me) sane.
The interesting part of my doctor’s visit was him assuming for one hot minute that I’d had a Tetanus shot recently. Evidently, I seem like the kind of person that gets into scrapes enough to be current on my Tetanus. I wonder what made him think that? Was it my confidence in knowing I hadn’t cut myself enough to need stitches? Was it TH’s lovely 3M adhesive strip/Neosporin job? I shall assume it was one of those.

Either way. No knitting for several days.

Ps. There was a permanent note on the doctor’s door telling people “In case of emergency, call 911.” Sound advice for sure.

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  1. Carrie says:

    I am just not believing this! And no knitting for several days.

    BOOOOO!!! Start wearing big fat gloves when in the kitchen.

    Or do like me and just don’t GO in the kitchen.


    • Katie says:

      USUALLY, I’m not a big kitchen-goer, but I was opening meat so The Husband could grill. Last time I make that mistake!

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