Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.

I’m not gonna lie. I can’t really tell you if there were any knits in this movie because I spent most of the movie being stressed out. I can tell you that someone gets stabbed in the neck and they aren’t wearing a wool scarf that could have doubled as gauze to put pressure on the wound. Pretty sure they would have made it if someone had loved them enough to handknit them a scarf.
Overall, the film was well-acted, well-written, etc. but I found it a bit disturbing. Several of the characters were cold and cruel and the violence was a bit much for even me at points. Now, I think I was supposed to be disturbed by how poorly the have-nots were being treated and that was the point of the movie. But, my advice is to take a few minutes to think about those less fortunate than you, maybe donate the price of a movie ticket to the Red Cross or organization of your choice if you like, and skip this movie…also, go ahead and knit a scarf or two. You know. Just in case.

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So. My subconscious thinks I am lacking in blog fodder enough that it is conspiring against me. At least that’s my story. I split the 72 stitches of this sock into 32 stitches for the front of the socks and 40 for the back. Now, you math geniuses are thinking, that’s interesting. I wonder what kind of pattern doesn’t have you split the stitches in half. And the answer is, I don’t know, but not this one.

Take 1

Take 1 - unsuccessful

The chart has a section of 4 stitches that repeat and I ended up with four extra stitches on the back set of dpn’s and then managed not to notice for SIX repeats of the pattern. I analyzed all kinds of (insane) solutions before I bit the bullet and ripped back to the ribbing.
Take 2

Take 2 - successful

My theory is that I normally knit the 64 stitch size in Hunter’s socks and I wasn’t paying attention, so I did 32 on the first set of DPN’s thinking that was half. The good news is that I knit the cast on tail through 32 stitches, so that bad boy is never coming loose.

Pattern: Lycaena virgaureae Socks by Hunter Hammersen
Yarn: Schaefer Yarn Company Heather – Apple Green

To see what others are working on, check out:
Tami’s Amis
Small Things (I’m reading The Selection – It seems like a combo of The Hunger Games and Bachelor tv show…I’m not crazy impressed so far.)
Frontier Dreams

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Today is a very good friend’s birthday and I have to disclaim that I haven’t knit socks for her….yet. But, this yarn, my fair readers, is going to become socks for her just as soon as I find a pattern that suits her…it will have to be a special pattern because she is one special lady.

Socks that Rock - Medium Weight - Rare Gems Mill Ends - Earth

Socks that Rock - Medium Weight - Rare Gems Mill Ends - Earth

She’s a fantastic friend…the kind of friend that will listen to your woes without judgement and then calmly come up with a creative solution while making you feel like it was your idea.

She’s beautiful and funny in a way that would make you swear she’s British if she didn’t have the smooth accents of a true Texas girl.

People talk about her superpower (staying calm in times of crisis), and they’re right, it’s amazing, but she’s so much more than that.

She knows how to make the best of any situation (because if nothing else, you can laugh about it later).

She’ll laugh with you. and cry.

She’ll keep a secret.

She’ll inspire you to be a better person.

She’ll pick you up to celebrate your birthday (even if she’s a little under the weather).

She’ll understand where you’re coming from.

She’s proof that blondes can be smart as a whip.

She’s patient and kind and cares about the less fortunate.
….and when you’ve given up on knitting because you’re just too slow, ladies and gentlemen, she’s the person that will tell you, “You should try continental.”

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