Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.
Dec 03

I couldn’t resist sharing these. Every time the camera comes out, Syd wants to get in on the action to get treats…until she hears a noise.
Sydney 1
What was that?
Sydney 2
Did you hear that?!?

(you have to see it bigger to get the real effect – click it, you know you want to).

So, I joined the ornament swap hosted by Christina Lowry and I floated that swap to my bloggy friend, Bonnie of Peaceable Liberal, and she geniusly suggested that she and I swap. I was trying to figure out what to make her when I ran across her blog post about these ornaments by Attic 24.
Crocheted ornaments
Bonnie doesn’t really crochet so this would be perfect! Here’s my first try. ew….I didn’t even finish one side.
Bauble Take 1

Here’s my second go. eh. This one is fine, but not great.
Bauble Take 2
Third time’s the charm!
Bauble Ornament

THEN you know that magic that people make when they create ships in a bottle? Well, Bonnie conjured up Knitting in an Ornament and sent it to me! I love it! I found a spot on my tree where two white lights were together so I could spotlight it….and just so you know, the “needles” are made from toothpicks and little wooden beads. Genius.
Knitting in an Ornament

She also sent me Hoosier Doot salad dressing and yummy apple butter from Indiana. The Hoosier sauce is so good that I continue to fight the urge to pour some in a shot glass and drink it. No, I’m not kidding. Hoosier Doot & Apple Butter
Thanks, Bonnie, that was a ton of fun!!!
Ps. Here’s Bonnie’s blog about our swap if you want “the rest of the story”

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Well, my gnome left for his new home. This particular gnome seems a bit rowdy in the way that only the very cutest gnomes can get away with.

Gnome in yard
Here he is playing in the yard.

Gnome swinging
….and swinging from the chandelier.

…and I like how his shadow looks like yoda. A wise gnome, he is too.

May you bring a lovely Christmas to all and to all a good night!

He’s raveled here
Ps. The swap hostess with the mostess is here.

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