Katherine the Great
I like to think of myself as a storyteller. Mostly I tell stories about knitting.

This past May, I was spending quite a bit of time at the vet office. So, I cast on plain black socks for The Husband because that suited my mood at the time. When they had Sydney in the back running tests, I would occupy my mind with stitch after stitch and not think about worst case scenarios. Thankfully, Sydney pulled through and is ALMOST 100%.
yellow lab Sydney

Here she is doing her Monet impression with her stuffed dragon.
yellow lab Sydney

…and The Husband opted for purple heels in his plain black socks. This was super exciting because I’m not a plain black sock kind of girl and he is very much a plain black sock kind of guy.
Plain Black Socks
A happy healthy dog and finished purple heeled socks for The Husband. My cup runneth over!

Ps. I ravelryed my details for the 12W size if you are interested in that type of info.
Pps. Check out what other folks have finished at Tami’s Amis and Fiber Arts Friday!

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Sep 10
Comments Off on 9/11 Memorial
Category: travel

Last January, I was lucky enough to visit the 9/11 Memorial when Lisa and I went to New York City.
9/11 Memorial
If you are headed to NYC, I strongly recommend you make reservations to see the memorial. Until you can get there, I hope these videos give you a tiny bit of the feeling of being there.
Video of the fountain
The black stone where all the names are listed was warm from the sun and made me think about warmth and life and then the water falls and you can’t see where it lands. Like the people that were never recovered. Some of the falls were frozen and there was mist coming out of the water. This made me think of the loss and how cold and final death is. It was incredibly moving and poetic.
Video of the mist
It was sobering to stand there and think of the First Responders that went running in to help strangers as they were running out. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the families and friends that lost loved ones.
…and to all those brave men and women in public service and the military that each day put their lives on the line for others. Thank you.

A couple of weeks ago, my childhood best friend had a beautiful baby boy.

Now, I’ve been busy working on the book projects after the finger cutting debacle on July 4th, so I haven’t had as much time to work on baby stuff as I’d like…and by now, you know that I’m a little high strung. So, as I was planning to meet my dear friend’s baby last Saturday and I hadn’t knit anything, my stress level was rising. I ask you, HOW was I going to show up to welcome my oldest friend’s new baby without any knitted love?
Answer: I wasn’t. So, Friday night after work, I cast on a baby hat…and then I stayed up til 1:42am to make sure it was close enough to done that I could finish it Saturday before leaving town.
Easy Peasy Newborn Sock Hat by Keri McKiernan
So, sweet Baby C got a pretty knit hat to celebrate his safe arrival. The yarn is Mirasol Yarn – Hacho and the pattern is Easy Peasy Newborn Sock Hat by Keri McKiernan
Baby C in his new hat
I am grateful to his parents for opening their home to me and letting me snuggle their cute baby for hours.
Auntie Kate and Baby C
He is precious and I love him bunches!!!

Ps. Check out more finished objects at Tami’s Amis.

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